Templates for Mastering Impromptu speech

Assuming your impromptu mini-speech has been thrust upon you by an unexpected question being thrown your way, the trick to making your impromptu mini-speech sound much more flowing, polished and coherent is to structure your response around a template. There are several recognised templates but we concentrate on mastering three of them.

Template 1 - PREP (Point, Reason, Example, Point)

This template is the easiest to master as its the most natural way of answering questions.

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Point - (“I agree that..." or "I disagree that ...”)

Start off by clearly stating your point or you can simply answer the question directly.

Reason (“...because...”)

Tell them why you made your point. People without basic conversational skills will just answer a yes/no question with a yes/no answer. They wouldn’t think to expand on their answers or give a reason and that’s how many conversations die. So expand your answer and tell them the reason you agreed or disagreed with the topic.

Example (“...I once had to...”)

Then, share an example that backs up your reasoning. It can be in story form, a personal anecdote or quote some statistics and research.

Point (“That is why...”)

Finally, conclude by summarizing your central point again. To bring it to the next level, you could have a Call-to-Action (CTA) for your audience to take away with!

Template 2 - The Pendulum

State one position then the other.

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“I agree that..."

Talk about the benefits


Talk about the benefits and perhaps give some examples or statistics

“On the other hand..."

Explore the other option qnd talk about the drawbacks and again give some examples or statistics

"So in conclusion..."

Conclude with your recommendation.

Template 3 - 5w's

Who, What, When, Where, and Why

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Imagine that you've you’ve been asked to speak briefly about a digital transformation initiative.


Who started the initiative and who is involved now


What are the goals of the digital transformation initiative


When did it start and the whats the schedule


Where does tne initiative take place


Why are you involved. This is often the most critical information.

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